Binary code translation vol. Face Smash
Ex Machina
Brian K. Vaughan
Ex Machina
Brian K. Vaughan
For those of you who don't know, Propostion 8 is a California State prop. aiming to amend the state Constitution to once again revert back to the archaic ideology that marriage should only be between a man and a woman. California recognized same-sex marriage as a fundamental right and when Prop 8 passed on Nov.6th, same-sex couples were once again denied the right to marriage.
Heres what Melissa Etheridge had to say about it and I completely agree.
In a Supreme Court case Sarah Palin, undoubtedly has never heard of, Pace .v. Alabama, held in 1883 ruled that Alabama's anti-miscegenation statute was constitutional, thereby making it a crime for an African American to marry a Caucasian American. Sounds insane that people would think like that right? You wonder if there were many people back then going 'Am I the only one who thinks this is completely insane?' It was insane, it was ignorant, it was a rock-solid imploding rocket of rampant bigotry. It was disgusting, and so is the idea that a same-sex couple cant, by law, get married. And dont give me the 'they cant reproduce' argument, Christ, be progressive people. Actually, Christ may be the wrong word; lets leave him out of this.
Okay. So Prop 8 passed. Alright, I get it. 51% of you think that I am a second class citizen. Alright then. So my wife, uh I mean, roommate? Girlfriend? Special lady friend? You are gonna have to help me here because I am not sure what to call her now. Anyways, she and I are not allowed the same right under the state constitution as any other citizen. Okay, so I am taking that to mean I do not have to pay my state taxes because I am not a full citizen. I mean that would just be wrong, to make someone pay taxes and not give them the same rights, sounds sort of like that taxation without representation thing from the history books.Okay,
cool I don’t mean to get too personal here but there is a lot I can do with the extra half a million dollars that I will be keeping instead of handing it over to the state ofCalifornia . Oh, and I am sure Ellen will be a little excited to keep her bazillion bucks that she pays in taxes too. Wow, come to think of it, there are quite a few of us fortunate gay folks that will be having some extracash this year. What recession? We’re gay! I am sure there will be a little box on thetax forms now single, married, divorced, gay, check here if you are gay, yeah, that’s not so bad. Of course all of the waiters and hairdressers and UPS workers and gym teachers and such, they won’t have to pay their taxes either.
Heres the synopsis
12-year-old Oskar is a fragile boy living in a village just outside Stockholm. He is regularly bullied by his classmates during the day and, while he never strikes back, he spends the nights dreaming of revenge, rehearsing knife attacks outside his apartment complex. There he meets and befriends Eli, an apparently 12-year-old girl, who has recently moved in next door to Oskar with her father. Eli is a pale girl who only comes out at night and doesn't seem affected by the freezing temperatures.
Coinciding with Eli's arrival is a series of disappearances and gruesome murders. Victims are found with broken necks and drained of blood. Oskar fills a notebook with stories of the killings and realises that Eli is a vampire. Eli helps him to fight back against his bullies, while Oskar reawakens her hunger for love: Eli is trapped forever in a 12-year-old's body, with all the confused emotions of an adolescent. Despite the new beginning, Eli knows that she needs to keep on moving to survive.
COURIC: Why isn’t it better, Governor Palin, to spend $700 billion helping middle-class families struggling with health care, housing, gas and groceries? … Instead of helping these big financial institutions that played a role in creating this mess?
PALIN: Ultimately, what the bailout does is help those who are concerned about the health care reform that is needed to help shore up the economy– Oh, it’s got to be about job creation too. So health care reform and reducing taxes and reining in spending has got to accompany tax reductions.
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