Friday, August 28, 2009

Inception teaser

This teaser really shows nothing because well it is just that, a teaser and the film isn't even finished yet.   
First off it's a new Nolan film and my rule for Cameron spans across a few directors one being Mr.Nolan, getting into the cast is almost comical how many heavy hitters signed on:
Leonardo Dicaprio, Joseph Gordon Levitt, Michael Caine, Ellen Page, Marion Cotillard, 
Cillian Murphy, Tom Berenger, Lucas Haas, Ken Wantanabe.

Inception wont be hitting theaters for a long while yet, therefore it is destined to leave my hype for it growing like a festering abscess that will not be drained till it's thankfully inevitable release date.  

1 comment:

Eduardo Francisco said...

Much like District 9, I have NO idea what the fuck this is about, and it tickles my curiosity to the max,, I like eveything Nolan's done so I doubt this will suck, in fact like you said with the cast, it's probably gonna be awesome