Thursday, December 11, 2008

Question freaks.

You know those people, those dolts, those incessantly annoying beings who possess the innate need to ask pointless question, after question, after question in any public forum. It is easy to spot a question freak, they're always on the edge of their seats acting like listening is a physical act. However, it is readily apparent that acting like you're listening 'hard' roughly translates to... I didn't hear a word you just said. These specimens usually will interact, in a way resembling this:

Professor- The paper will be due on Friday, it should be between 5-7 pages in length, double spaced. If you have any questions, email me.
Q.Freak- Professor, would it be ok if we triple space it?
Professor- I would prefer it double spaced.
Q.Freak- I need to take my cat to the vet tonight, I wont be able to email you tonight, can I do it Tomorrow?
Professor- ...yes, its Tuesday; email me tomorrow.
Q.Freak- So we need to hand this paper into you on Friday?
Professor- Yes.
Q.Freak- This friday?
Professor- Yes.
Q.Freak- ok.
Professor- moving on, the answer... 1+1 is...2.
Q.Freak- wait so the answer is 2? How did you get that? its 1 + 1?
Professor- Yes, 1+1= 2
Q.freak- You added them? together?
Professor- YES

Meanwhile...back in my head, there is a dwarf, he is an extreme steroid abuser and he is livid, jumping up and down screaming at the top of his lungs
'SHUT UP, SHUT UP! Holy god, is there a 1 legged hamster on a wheel in your head? Has your cerebral cortex been soaked in battery acid and hit repeatedly with a wrench? Are you actually unable to deduce anything resembling a rational answer in your head to this horrific question, only equaled in its incoherence by its fitful, inept, idiocy. When you are about to ask a there no security block, no alarm that sounds
'BEEP! BEEP!WOAH, hold up, maybe this is not that smartest thing that can fall out of my face at this moment, maybe he/she just answered this, maybe I should wait until he/she is done speaking before I blurt out this nonsense, like a blender operating without a lid.'

I know my better half Lindsay has had horrifying experiences with question freaks, she has expressed them to me in ways vastly less verbose but still as volatile.
If you have had experiences with QF's leave me some words.


Anonymous said...

I will go ahead and agree with you...

I feel most question freaks enjoy hearing themselves speak, OR interrupting others to hear themselves speak.

I flipped out on one of those people at work the other day.

Onna Holland said...

I know Exactly what you are talking about!!

Unknown said...