Friday, June 26, 2009

Daybreakers trailer.

In recent years, great vampire films have been few and far-between to say the least.  But I dare you to not be blown away by this trailer.  This film looks like a game-changer. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

No shot of Bill Murray zombied out but this trailer is great nonetheless.  

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Surrogates

Last year I read this book,(The Surrogates) which I thought was an amazing idea with a pretty solid execution. Then I met the writer, Robert Venditti at Comic Con and he was beyond cool and shared his story which began with him working in the warehouse of the publisher, to getting his book released, to having the rights bought by Touchstone and being on set to watch Bruce Willis star as the hero he painted between shifts. Great story, lets hope this genius sci-fi story keeps it's roots in Venditti's work.

The Road

About 6 months ago I read the Cormac McCarthy novel, The Road.  I was completely entranced by every page of its daunting, ashy, dystopian, beauty.  Father and son, the man and the boy, never given names and never needing them.  Truly incredible stuff, trailer looks pretty good but it will be extremely tough to live up to the novel  The Coen's came about as close as one can with No Country For Old Men but this work is distinctly more subtle in it's execution.  

The Volta is back.

I have done nothing to hide my love for The Mars Volta since the Tremulant Ep and even the previous work from Cedric and Omar with At The Drive In. With that said, these new singles have me amped for June 23rd when Octahedron is released.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Shutter Island

Finally, a trailer.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Implantable Nanowire developed to measure BP

Scientist Zhong Lin Wang has developed a small implantable wire that will constantly monitor blood pressure.  The wire is able to monitor ones blood pressure in real time and notify a physician in the event of any abnormal changes.