Friday, August 28, 2009

Youth in Revolt

Based on the series by C.D. Payne, Miguel Artera brings us Youth in Revolt.  I have never read the books but the trailer looks sort of like Fight Club for sexually frustrated teens and in no way do I mean that in a negative way.  Michael Cera was starting to get on my nerves a little bit but seeing him as Francois with that distinguished, 
magnanimously-magnum stash makes my annoyance just float away.


Anonymous said...

That actually looks really funny. I dig that guys style although it can get a little expected after a while.... havent seen him in too many things (I take my movies like take a night of drunkeness, two per year). I gaurantee the two I see this year will have been on your blog first....

Eduardo Francisco said...

I'm a Cera fan, I want to see what he does with Scott Pilgrim but his best is def as George Michael on Arrested Development. Thats stashe is Dashing to say the least