Monday, September 15, 2008

Charles Foster McCain

I came across this picture and it could in no way be more perfect. It features the lifeless puppet senator McCain as Charles Foster Kane of the film Citizen Kane. The same film in which, as you may or may not know this blog is named after. A match made in heaven one might say, most wouldn't, but one...might.

How in the name of all that is labeled holy by the bible thumping, coke enthusiasts that run this sphere could anyone in America show blatant discontent for our current affairs and say that McCain has their vote. 95%, he voted with our current empty headed, socially, mentally and intellectually inept dolt of a commander in chief 95% of the time. I'm no mathematician but thats a whopping 5% of issues in which he differs. Their whole new 'change' platform is laughable and Americans really need to be more educated on these subjects. That way, when Sen. McCain, that vapid, cracked shell of his former self takes the stage you will have the acute and near superhero ability to smell bullshit through a television screen.
One more thing to ponder, McCain in 72 years old, if he kicks the proverbial bucket were looking at a small town beauty queen turned hockey Mom Governor who has never even heard of the Bush Doctrine running the free world. How do things like this ever even have the faintest chance at coming to fruition? How does this happen? How?

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