Friday, September 26, 2008

Tony Stark you will rue the day you stepped on my sneakers and didnt apologize.

If you read the graphic and vivid disappointment on my face you'd know that my powers have yet to manifest and therefore I am not currently labeled a 'superhero' by society or the media. Nor am I a billionaire with the technological know-how or appropriate connections to fight crime without certain genetic benefits or mutations. I don't have a last name that will ever be used as a fashionable first name ala Parker or Kent and despite the fact that I seek out accidents involving radioactive material it has yet to yield any positive effects. With all that said, the sticker to my right displaying the fact that 'I am a Superhero' is but a mere rouse, however the blog in which is it appropriately linked to is, about as close as a blog can get to being a Superhero. I don't know what that means but...its true nonetheless.


Eduardo Francisco said...

I am a superhero. I can squirt tears out of my eyes by pressurizing my sinus and I can take one bite of certain foods and give myself an enema. Oh and I have mastered Jamanji and toe Jenga (jenga played with only ur feet)

ljkc said...

HOLLA!!!!!!!!! ;)

Idina ;)

Anonymous said...

If I get a superman tattoo like shaq & 3,000 other ppl will that make me a superhero?

Jesse M. said...

absolutely not.

ABG said...

Batman is the only superhero you needed to list. He is the all encompassing champion of all that is good and right in this world. A hearty screw you to all super/spiderman fans. Nobody likes aliens, or bugs.